October 2021 Planets Position

 Sun in Libra - This period will be quite heavy. Regarding both your actions and your behavior, you will think a lot, in some cases, you may even appear indecisive or too slow. However, you will definitely appreciate art and all kinds of spiritual experiences. Also, a walk-in nature could enrich you. If you want to self-fulfill, you should be alone. Because this is the only way to organize thoughts and feel safe and satisfied. Venus in Scorpio - These days, you will be looking for individuals with complex and mysterious minds. You will not be able to resist the temptation of everything that is forbidden and that allows you to open yourself to taboos. Even if your feelings are more intense than ever, you will do your best to hide them and keep an impassive appearance. Mercury in Libra - If you find yourself struggling with two people arguing, in this period, it will be very difficult for you to agree with just one of the two. Your ability to decide will be slower, as you will need mor

Angels Horoscope

Nemamiah Guardian Angel born from 1 to 5 January. Nemamiah is the 57th Breath and administers the energies of Uranus. Earth dominant element . Home Star 10-15 degree of Capricorn.
Nemamiah regency days are March 5, May 17, August 1, October 13, December 24 .
Every day from 18:40 to 19:00.
Nemamiah Prayer, Psalm, 119.159 de quoniam mandata tua dilexi, Domine; secundum misericordiam tuam vivifica me

Yeyalel Guardian Angel From 6 to 10 January. Yeyalel is the 58th Breath; Its element is Earth dominante element . Home Star 15-20 degree of Capricorn.
Yeyalel regency days are March 6, May 18, August 2, October 14, December 25 .
Every day from 19:00 to 19:20.
Yeyalel Prayer, Psalm 6,4, Et anima mea turbata est valde, sed tu, Domine, usque quo…?

Harahel Guardian Angel from 11 to 15 January .Harahel is the 59th Breath. Earth dominant element; Home Star from 20 to 25 degree of Capricorn.
Harahel days regency are March 7, May 19, August 3, October 15, December 26.
Every day from 19:20 to 19:40.
Harahel Prayer, A solis ortu usque ad occasum, laudabile nomen Domini

Mitzrael Guardian Angel from 15 to 20 January .Mitzrael is the 60th Breath. Earth dominant element. Home Star 25-30 degree of Capricorn.
Mitzrael regency days are March 8, May 20, August 4, October 16, December 27.
Every day from 19:40 to 20:00.
Mitzrael PrayerIustus Dominus in omnibus viis suis, et sanctus in omnibus operibus suis.

Umabel Guardian Angel from 21 to 25 January .Umabel is the 61st Breath. Air dominant element. Home Star 0-5 degree of Aquarius.
Umabel regency days are May 21, August 5, October 17, December 28.
Every day from 20:00 to 20:20.
Umabel Prayer, Psalm 113.2Sit Nomen Domini benedictum, ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum

Iahhel Guardian Angel from 26 to 30 January .Iahhel is the 62th Breath. Air dominat element. Home Star 5-10 degree of Aquarius.
Iahhel days regency are March 10, May 22, August 6, October 18, December 29.
Every day from 20:20 to 20:40.
Iahhel Prayer, Psalm 119,159, de quoniam mandata tua dilexi, Domine; secundum misericordiam tuam vivifica me.


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