October 2021 Planets Position

 Sun in Libra - This period will be quite heavy. Regarding both your actions and your behavior, you will think a lot, in some cases, you may even appear indecisive or too slow. However, you will definitely appreciate art and all kinds of spiritual experiences. Also, a walk-in nature could enrich you. If you want to self-fulfill, you should be alone. Because this is the only way to organize thoughts and feel safe and satisfied. Venus in Scorpio - These days, you will be looking for individuals with complex and mysterious minds. You will not be able to resist the temptation of everything that is forbidden and that allows you to open yourself to taboos. Even if your feelings are more intense than ever, you will do your best to hide them and keep an impassive appearance. Mercury in Libra - If you find yourself struggling with two people arguing, in this period, it will be very difficult for you to agree with just one of the two. Your ability to decide will be slower, as you will need...

Aries April 27 Thursday Forecasts

Planetary Motion prepare a particularly stimulating day with your governor planets looking at you with a good eye. Mars in particular, keep moving its positive influences for your sign and to a great extent now if you were born in March. The desire to challenge is not lacking, as well as the enthusiasm of overcoming obstacles. The fighting action that the planet inspires now directs itself in various areas including projects that it creates in the company of trusted people, such as social associations and the protection of the environment. Enthusiasm and vital energy accompany your physical fitness and are ensured by a lucky Uranus transit. Your typical passion is in full swing and make it available for fixed or occasional relationships. Born between April 7 and April 12, with Pluto opposing, be careful not to raise too much mail and moderate sentimental ambitions. Saturn, with the generous sign of Sagittarius very positive with your sign, activates your usual humanity.

Your financial situation should be flourishing. The resources do not lack, the intuition to make money even, the pursuit of business is there. And then you just have to make others participate in this lucky moment, and catch on the good occasions to further improve your finances. The Moon suggests to use some of your time, to give new lymph to your immediate resources such as money. Jupiter in opposition does not leave much room for sudden fortunes, so he is far from gambling and various prize competitions. Better trust in the common sense and engage in the prudent management of what you have.


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