The Nemamiah person has a general gaze that accompanies him to the archangels covered by shining bangs in the traditional depictions. The two memes that appear in his Name depict a fortress to be besieged. In the challenges, in the risks, in all the resistances that fate can oppose, and before whom many others would turn cautiously off, Nemamiah people find the keys to their success. They will happily marry the person who at first did not want to know it, or that from every point of view would seem beyond their reach; In the work they will have the most brilliant satisfaction where everything seems to conspire against them; Of their projects for the future, beautifully executed those that will begin in the worst way.
Conversely, what the Nemamiah will reproach more in life will surely have given up on some seemingly tough battle. So it is because they know from birth and have the task of revealing a secret that actually concerns us all, there is no obstacle or opponent that does not hide in itself some obscure side of who he realizes that he can face it. The resistances that our projects meet in outer reality are the concretions of our inner resistance to achieving them: to overcome those we can only overcome by releasing the forces that in it act against us and transform them into our allies.
Nemamiah individuals are by their very nature experts in this art; Their job is to give the example continually, because we too learn it. This must be the reason why they are usually equipped with so great physical and intellectual vigor, and above all, of an insatiable curiosity: they are always in search, there is no field that can not interest them, and where they do not expect To find new challenges and a new audience, who can appreciate their courage and understand its meaning. In most cases they are neurotic, perfectionist, always dissatisfied, subject to sudden mood swings; But this serves to load them as boxers before the match. As for the fact they are often unpleasant, they do not care about them, taken as they are from their perennial overwork.
The qualities developed by Nemamiah are inventive, logical and orderly, courageous and sacrificial, strong character, sense of duty and honor, honesty, discreet generosity. The person he is protected and assisted will be active and courageous, with great capacity to withstand the labor and adversity of life. It gives decision temperament and success in military careers or related to justice.
Nemamiah Guardian Angel is the first angelic ray in the Choir of the Archangels Angels led by the Archangel Michael; Here administers the energies of Uranus.
Guardian angel born between 1 and 5 January.
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