October 2021 Planets Position

 Sun in Libra - This period will be quite heavy. Regarding both your actions and your behavior, you will think a lot, in some cases, you may even appear indecisive or too slow. However, you will definitely appreciate art and all kinds of spiritual experiences. Also, a walk-in nature could enrich you. If you want to self-fulfill, you should be alone. Because this is the only way to organize thoughts and feel safe and satisfied. Venus in Scorpio - These days, you will be looking for individuals with complex and mysterious minds. You will not be able to resist the temptation of everything that is forbidden and that allows you to open yourself to taboos. Even if your feelings are more intense than ever, you will do your best to hide them and keep an impassive appearance. Mercury in Libra - If you find yourself struggling with two people arguing, in this period, it will be very difficult for you to agree with just one of the two. Your ability to decide will be slower, as you will need mor

Sun trine to Moon

Sun trine to Moon, the transit of the Sun trine to the Moon Birth marks a period of equilibrium and inner harmony. In us there is the calm that can lead to introspection with serenity and in-depth understanding of what you want, of what you need and the way to achieve this. Under the influence of this transit you can see life in a totally balanced look. you must not only live with the intellect, but also with feelings, and communicate with others under these two aspects, and since this time has been able to understand our moods and feelings, we must try to help too others understand themselves. Through our relationships with others, we will come to understand us much better than usual same.

This state of balance and balance today, is the best time to heal misunderstandings, and iron out the difficulties that many have created towards us, because now we are able to reach a compromise, it is essential to get along with the others. The trine cycle separating the transit sun with the moon, indicates that we must open the way to the issues of our lives, which are reaching maturity; very soon it will experience the creative tension period, and there will be a lot of pressure on us, and may hardly impartial assessment of the situation, which requires the introduction of changes to make things go smooth. So it is good that we do today, in the period of calm, the necessary changes.

The trine cycle applying the transit sun with the moon of birth, indicates that we are now able to examine the events of the previous period, which was full of tension, and to assess the significance and possible consequences. This is the period that we use to make invent and prepare for the future when we will incorporate into our inner life, everything that we have come to know. If the last few months had marked a period of collapse, rather than creativity, now is the time to pick up the pieces and start over again, especially in our personal lives. Friendships and love affairs that begin under the influence of this transit will have important consequences in our future life, and much will influence our attitude towards life.


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